Tenant Maintenance Tips

Often, there are simple remedies to your maintenance concerns.  

Please review the tips listed below as well as in the videos below before requesting service.

If the air conditioner does not work:

Check ALL  circuit breakers. Often during hot weather or if a circuit breaker overloads, it will trip off the circuit breaker. A tripped circuit breaker is often difficult to see, and it could appear that it is not tripped.  Therefore, you must turn the breaker all the way off and then turn the breaker all the way on. If you do not turn the circuit breaker all the way off, it does not reset itself to correct the problem. 

If the electricity does not work in part of the house:

Check for Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt (GFCI) outlets, which are usually located in the garage, patio, kitchen, or the bathroom. Reset tripped GFCI outlets by pushing the small button in the middle of the outlet. Check the circuit breakers to see if any have been tripped. 

If the circuit breakers continually keep going off:

Check to see if too many appliances running at the same time (irons, microwave, toaster, curling iron, computers, printer, blow dryers, etc.) are causing an overload. 

If the smoke alarm or carbon monoxide (CO) alarm does not work, check the following:

First, replace the batteries. Tenants are responsible for the replacement of batteries. If a new battery does not work, submit a maintenance request. It is important to replace batteries and NOT disconnect the smoke alarm or CO alarm. Normally the alarm will emit a beeping sound  when the batteries are not working or losing their charge. Test your smoke and CO alarms every thirty days. If the alarm is not working after replacing the batteries, submit a maintenance request immediately. Donot disconnect or remove a smoke or CO alarm. 


Plumbing blockages. The only items safe to put down the drains of the property are human waste and toilet paper. The following items are prohibited: paper towels, grease, tampons, sanitary napkins, food, condoms, paint, toys, and litter from pet waste. While Landlord is responsible to repair the plumbing systems when they wear out or break in the course of normal use, Tenant is responsible for repairs that are caused by Tenant's negligence. If Tenant puts any item down the drain other than human waste and toilet paper and causes a plumbing blockage, the resulting plumbing bill shall be paid by Tenant as additional rent upon notice by Landlord 

Garbage disposal. Tenant will be charged the vendor fee for unblocking a garbage disposal if any of the following are found to have blocked the garbage disposal: bones, banana peels, corn husks, pasta, cornmeal, stringy vegetables, “twister” seals, screws, nails, cigarette butts, flower clippings, toys, coins, grease, shellfish shells, celery, onion skins, potato peels, rice, meat fats, artichokes, bottle caps, rubber bands, string, popcorn kernels, egg shells, coffee grounds, glass, utensils, fruitpits, washcloths, or sponges. If you cannot chew it, do not put it in the garbage disposal.

Basic insect control. Tenants are responsible for basic insect maintenance. If you have insects in the home, you may hire an exterminator or you may choose to purchase pesticides at a hardware store and use them yourself. When storing pesticides, be careful for the safety of children and animals at all times. Follow the instructions carefully for any product you purchase. If the insect problem persists, or if there is a major insect problem that existed prior to you taking possession, submit a maintenance request.

Rodent control. If you have ordinary mice, you can purchase several common controls at grocery or garden supply stores. If you see rats or large rodents, submit a maintenance request. 

If you have pets, keep them from causing damage and pick up all pet droppings on the property.

Light bulbs. It is the tenant’s responsibility to replace all light bulbs.

Water filtration systems. If the home is furnished with a water filtration system, Tenant is responsible for changing any water filters and for purchasing new filters.If the refrigerator includes a water filtration system, Tenant is responsible for changing water filters and for purchasing new filters.

Properly dispose of the following:

Holiday decorations and lights.

Maintenance Tip Videos

How to Fix a Jammed Garbage Disposal

Adjusting Fill Valves

How to Replace a Screen

How to Replace a Refrigerator Water Filter

How to Fix Hard Water Deposits

Clean a Dishwasher with Tang

How to Unclog a Slow Drain

Shut Off Valves

GFCI Outlets, the Basics

Changing a Furnace Filter

Got Mold

Got Mold